Extra Putty

  1. Extraputty
  2. Extraputty Download
  3. Extra Putty For Win 10
  4. Extra Putty Arguments Password

ExtraPuTTY is a fork from 0.67 version of PuTTY.

ExtraPuTTY has all the features from the original soft and adds others.

ExtraPuTTY - fork of putty 0.67. (Add win32 API,shortcuts for pre-defined command,can use files instead of the registry,auto-reconnect, scripting a. In the Edit User Variable window, click New. Type or paste the directory path for the PSCP utility you noted in Step 2 (for example, C:/Program Files/putty) into the empty highlighted new line item. Click OK to save the new entry, then click OK again to close the Environment Variables window. The PSCP program file location is set up in your.

Below a short list of the principal features (see all features):
  • DLL frontend
  • TestStand API ( LabWindows ,TestStand 2012)
  • timestamp
  • StatusBar
  • Scripting a session with lua 5.3.
  • Automatic sequencing of commands.
  • Shortcuts for pre-defined commands.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for pre-defined command
  • Portability (use of directories structure)
  • Integrates FTP,TFTP,SCP,SFTP,Ymodem,Xmodem transfert protocols
  • Integrates PuTTYcyg,PuTTYSC, HyperLink, zmodem and session manager projects
  • Change default settings from configuration file
  • Change putty settings during session
  • PuTTYcmdSender : tool to send command or keyboard shortcut to multiple putty windows
It is written and maintained primarily by Sebastien Blavier and Simon Tatham (team's) for PuTTY.
ExtraPuTTY is free and only designed for Microsoft Windows platform.
PuttyYou can also be part of the success of ExtraPuTTY, by translating these pages into your own language.Let us know.
After 14 years in the same company for the same client i need new challenges.
Look at my profile if you have opportunities. Extra putty portable

ExtraPuTTY 0.30 (Ind 17) snapshot version

A new version of ExtraPuTTY 0.30 snapshot (with PuTTY 0.67) is now available for download!

With a new licensing model (3.0)

ExtraPuTTY 0.29 RC2 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.29 (with PuTTY 0.64) is now available for download!! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.29.

ExtraPuTTY 0.28 RC1 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.28 (with PuTTY 0.63) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.28.

With a new licensing model (2.3).

ExtraPuTTY 0.27 RC1 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.27 (with PuTTY 0.62) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.27.

With a new licensing model (2.3).

ExtraPuTTY 0.26 RC1 released

Merry 12p/12pt manual. ExtraPuTTY 0.26 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.26.

With a new licensing model (2.3). Extra Putty

ExtraPuTTY 0.24 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.24 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.24.

ExtraPuTTY 0.23 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.23 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.23.

ExtraPuTTY 0.22 released

Android data recovery full crack pc. ExtraPuTTY 0.22 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.22.

ExtraPuTTY 0.21 released

ExtraPuTTY 0.21 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and Telnet API for win32 application. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.21.

  • license conditions under which you mayuse ExtraPuTTY.
  • The FAQ.
  • The documentation.
  • Download ExtraPuTTY!
  • A Help desk page used to log online tickets (bugs,updates ..).
  • Subscribe to the PuTTY-announcemailing list to be notified of new releases.
  • Feedback and bug reporting: contactaddress and guidelines. Please read the guidelines beforesending us mail; we get a very large amount of mail and it will helpus answer you more quickly.
  • Changes in recent releases.
  • A page about the ExtraPuTTY team members.
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If you haven't got a chance to read my previous post, I recommend doing it first before going through this post. In this post, I am going to show how to load already defined profiles in the ExtraPuTTY folder that was created from the zip file downloaded from my previous post. Agilent 2-way splitter user manual. Let's jump into steps right away.

1) Download this batch file.

Extraputty Download

2) Double clicking on it should open a terminal window asking you to login as. Simply type in your NetID and then password when you're prompted for it.

2) As you see, you're required to enter your username/NetID couple of times. This can be avoided by filling it in your profiles. So, let's open the putty by downloading the batch file below and double clicking on it.

Double clicking this file should open a putty window like this.

Under Saved Sessions, click on hpc-tunnel and then on 'Load'. This loads the session details as shown below.

Extra Putty For Win 10

Now, click on 'Data' under Connection tab in the left pane as shown below. Simply, type in your username/NetID in the filed next to 'Auto-login username'. As you see I typed my username sm4082.

Then, click on Session in the left pane as shown below and then click on 'Save'. This saves your session with your NetID.

3) Finally, do the same for Saved session 'mercer'. Just put in your NetID like you did for hpc-tunnel and then save it.

Extra Putty Arguments Password

4) Now, running Mercer.bat won't ask you for login id anymore. You just need to enter your password, and then enter on command window and then again password one more time.

This way, you don't see putty window anymore. Let me know if you face any problems with all this.