You've just found a new list of leads with the addresses in a single column, and you want to split them up so you can use one or more of its components as filters.
Excel Details: Split A Cell Horizontally Excel.Details: Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Merge group, click Split Cells, and then do one or more of the following: To divide a cell vertically, in the Number of columns box, enter the number of new cells that you want. You might want to split a cell into two smaller cells within a single column. Unfortunately, you can’t do this in Excel. Instead, create a new column next to the column that has the cell you want to split and then split the cell. You can also split the contents of a cell into multiple adjacent cells. This will split the merged cell back to the original number of cells. Note that Excel does not have the option to split an unmerged cell into smaller cells (as is possible in MS Word). We have discussed how you can split cells in Excel into separate cells using different types of delimiters. Jun 01, 2016 The Split Text pane will open on the right side of your Excel window, and you do the following: Expand the Split by character group, and select one of the predefined delimiters or type any other character in the Custom box. Choose whether to split cells to columns or rows. Review the result under the Preview section, and click the Split button. Split cells Click in a cell, or select multiple cells that you want to split. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Merge group, click Split Cells. Enter the number of columns or rows that you want to split the selected cells into.
1. The first thing that you need to do is to select the column where the address info is. Here are two ways to do it.

Mouse and Keyboard: Click the letter above the column where the address info is, and it'll select the entire column.
Keyboard Shortcut: Select any cell from the column that has the address info. Then press and hold Ctrl, and hit Space.
2. Once selected, go to the Data tab.
Mouse and Keyboard:Go into the ribbon at the top of the screen and select Data, and then choose Text to Columns.
Keyboard Shortcut:Press and hold Alt, and then press A. Let go of Alt, then press E twice.
3. This will bring up the Convert Text to Columns Wizard. On the first page, make sure you select Delimited and then press Next.
4. If the addresses in your file are separated by commas such as '1 Union Street, San Francisco, CA 94111', you should select Comma as the Delimiter and then press Next.
5. This next page will show you what your list of addresses will look like. You can press Finish to see the result of your split out addresses.
6. The final step is naming the headers such as 'Address, City, State, Zip Code' as you have multiple columns where before you just had one.
NOTE: Once you've split the column, you will need to choose Multiple Columns when you upload it in the app. Also, remember to create new columns for the filters that you need. For example, you have the 'State' column that will be used for geolocating your account on the map. Create a duplicate, and label it as 'Filter by State' just to differentiate them according to how they will be used in the app.
How to split comma separated values into rows or columns in Excel?
In some cases, you may need to split comma separated values of selected cells into rows or columns. Here we will introduce three methods for you to solve this problem in details.
Split comma separated values into columns with Text to Columns function
Split comma separated values into rows with VBA code
Quickly split comma separated values into rows or columns with Kutools for Excel
Split comma separated values into columns with Text to Columns function
You can apply the Text to Columns function to split comma separated values of selected cells into columns. Please do as follows.
1. Select the range of cells you want to split values into columns, and then click Data > Text to Columns. See screenshot:
2. In the first Convert Text to Columns Wizard dialog box, select the Delimited option, and then click the Next button.
3. In the second Convert Text to Columns Wizard dialog box, only check the Comma box in the Delimiters section, and click the Next button.
4. In the last Convert Text to Columns Wizard dialog box, select a cell for locating the splitting values in the Destination box, and finally click the Finish button. See screenshot:
Now all the values in selected cells which were separated by commas are split to different columns as bellow screenshot shown.
Split comma separated values into rows with VBA code
For splitting comma separated values into rows, you can apply the following VBA code.

1. Press the Alt + F11 keys simultaneously to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
2. In the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click Insert > Module. Then copy and paste the below VBA code into the Module window.
VBA code: Split comma separated values into rows

3. Press the F5 key to run the code. In the popping up Kutools for Excel dialog box, select the cells you want to split, and then click the OK button.
Excel Split Cells Comma
4. In the second popping up Kutools for Excel dialog box, select a cell for locating the splitting values, then click OK.
Then you can see the comma separated values in selected cells are split into rows as bellow screenshot shown.

Quickly split comma separated values into rows or columns with Kutools for Excel
The Split Cells utility of Kutools for Excel can help you split comma separated values into rows or columns easily. Hp proliant ml150 g6 drivers linux ubuntu.
1. Select the cells you need to split, and then click Kutools > Merge & Split > Split Cells. See screenshot:
2. In the Split Cells dialog box, select Split to Rows or Split to Columns in the Type section as you need. And in the Specify a separator section, select the Other option, enter the comma symbol into the textbox, and then click the OK button. See screenshot:
3 .And then another prompt box will pop out to remind you select a cell to output the result, see screenshot:
4. Click OK button, you can see the results as below screenshots shown.
Split to Columns
Split to Rows
If you want to have a free trial ( 30-day) of this utility, please click to download it, and then go to apply the operation according above steps.
Excel Divide Cells
Demo: Quickly split comma separated values into rows or columns with Kutools for Excel
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Excel Split Cells
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Microsoft Excel Split Cells
or post as a guest, but your post won't be published automatically.
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.i still cant upload my csv into 365
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Go to excel file Data option -> text to column->delimited -> Done
it will spit comma separated value into individual column
id name add
1 Ratnesh myAdd
we will apply in the 2nd record it will split record like 1st records,
Ratnesh Sahu - To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Go to excel file Data option -> text to column->delimited -> Done
it will spit comma separated value into individual column
id name add
1 Ratnesh myAdd
we will apply in the 2nd record it will split record like 1st records,
Ratnesh Sahu - To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Thanks it helped :)
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.This is amazing, thanks for making it free and easy to use!
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Thank you!
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Alternately for separating into rows, use the text to column steps and then copy & paste ->transpose to turn the columns into rows.
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Thanks Jake! This is what I was looking for. :)
- To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.Good one, the utility help me a lot. Thanks for that.. :)