Countdown Timer For Powerpoint

Countdown timer for powerpoint 2016

Timers are great tools for making sure that people recognise how time is passing when they are engaged in a task.

Timer to use with PowerPoint presentations and more Slideshow Timer is best used with PowerPoint and similar presentation software. The timer is constantly displayed and will float on top of any other app. It´s easy to use, you can resize it, move it around How to use the timer? Pondering this, I’ve come up with a couple of great hacks for PowerPoint that you should consider for your next presentations. Add Visual Countdown Timer To PowerPoint Slides As you can see in the above GIF, the PowerPoint Side has two visual cues – a timer progress bar across the top of the slide and a countdown ‘clock’ at the bottom.

The idea here is that the slide explains the instructions for the task and the timer indicates how far they should ideally have progressed with the task at each point in time, and how much time they have left. The image on the left shows an example.
Such slide-based timers can be used in both physical meetings (via a projector or screen) and in virtual meetings (by sharing a PowerPoint presentation from your desktop).
There are two main ways in which this can be achieved:
Both work well, but have the limitation that the timer only applies to the slide it is on. And skipping forward and backward a slide will reset the timer. If having visible time control for the presentation overall is important, it is better to keep that timer outside of Powerpoint. Instead, situate the timer in the meeting software (e.g. Zoom or Teams) or in a separate window over the shared screen (click on the relevant link to see how).
However, where the visible time control is slide specific, PowerPoint based timers are an ideal option. They start automatically when you need them, and they are integral to what is going on.

Adding a GIF based timer to individual slides

There is a wide selection of GIF based Timers that can simply be copied, pasted, resized, and positioned on your slides. This is by far the easiest and quickest option for including a timer in a slide. Simply:
  • Go to and select the image with the style and time that you require
  • Right click it, and select copy image
  • Right click your slide and select paste image, and that is it – you’re done!!!
If you are presenting your PowerPoint via SlideShow and a shared screen, you will probably have noticed that when you move your focus to anything else on your desktop, any animation, video or timer pauses until you give the focus back to the slide show. This can be very frustrating when you are trying to run a meeting. However, there is any easy way round this which is explained in this post: Working in Two PowerPoint Windows
Another alternative is to use your PowerPoint to add your timer to a virtual video background.

Creating a timed animation within the PowerPoint slide itself.

Animations can be of several types. The majority tend to be built around disappearing segments. In each case it is a matter of animating them to move, appear or disappear at a certain time period ‘after previous’.

Countdown Timer For Powerpoint 2013

To understand this better, click on one of the options below and take it apart to see how it works – you will need the animation pane visible in PowerPoint.
Once you understand how the animations work, clicking an example timer image above will download the PowerPoint file for that particular timer, which you can edit for your own purposes.
Countdown Timer For Powerpoint
Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.

Whether you are a teacher or just presenting information, adding a timer at the bottom of a PowerPoint presentation is a valuable and easy thing to do that will help prevent you from going overtime.

Here is a step-by-step guide of how you can add a countdown timer at the bottom of their PowerPoint presentations and automatically start when needed.

Why use a timer in your PowerPoint presentation?

For any classroom, including a timer in your PowerPoint presentation helps teachers and students manage time.

Countdown Timer For Powerpoint Slide

The stopwatch or timer can be used for various purposes, like setting a time limit on an assignment or timing an experiment.

It also reduces the amount of toggling a teacher would have to do in between programs.

How to Add a Timer To a PowerPoint Presentation

Countdown Timer For Powerpoint

Step 1: Search for a countdown timer of your choice on youtube and copy the web address or URL.

Step 2: Open in PowerPoint the slide where you want the timer to show.

Step 3: On the top bar menu, select Insert.

Step 4: Next, look for the video icon to the right.


Step 5: When you select the video icon, a popup menu is going to appear below. Select the option Online Video.

Step 6: Paste the web address of the countdown timer inside the box and select Insert below. Wait a few seconds for the video to appear below.

Step 7: The video should appear now on the slide. You can resize it and move it anywhere on your slide.

Step 8: On the top bar menu having the video selected, choose Playback.

Here you will change the setting if you want the video to play when you choose instead of automatically playing by selecting the option When Clicked On.

Classroom Ideas for Timer To a PowerPoint Presentation

The neat thing about learning to add a timer to a PowerPoint is now you can add pizzaz to any presentation with video.

You can add other videos such as storybooks read aloud by following the same steps to add a timer.

Teachers are constantly looking for ways to help students engage in lessons by making them more interactive and fun.

Adding a countdown timer or video to the bottom of a slide can hold students accountable, encourage collaboration, and make the lesson more engaging.