- Missing Localized Strings Here Office 2016 Free
- Missing Localized Strings Here Office 2016 Torrent
- Missing Localized Strings Here Office 2016
NOTE: Code page is an outdated method for character encoding, yet it is still in use.
It is now preferable to use 16 bit character set of Unicode.
As defined by Microsoft, a locale is either a language or a language in combination with a country. See below for the definitions of locale and LCID and other resources.
CLICK one of the Column Titles to sort the table by that item.
Locale | Language code | LCID string | LCID Decimal | LCID Hexadecimal | Codepage |
Afrikaans | af | af | 1078 | 436 | 1252 |
Albanian | sq | sq | 1052 | 1250 | |
Amharic | am | am | 1118 | ||
Arabic - Algeria | ar | ar-dz | 5121 | 1401 | 1256 |
Arabic - Bahrain | ar | ar-bh | 15361 | 1256 | |
Arabic - Egypt | ar | ar-eg | 3073 | 1256 | |
Arabic - Iraq | ar | ar-iq | 2049 | 801 | 1256 |
Arabic - Jordan | ar | ar-jo | 11265 | 1256 | |
Arabic - Kuwait | ar | ar-kw | 13313 | 3401 | 1256 |
Arabic - Lebanon | ar | ar-lb | 12289 | 3001 | 1256 |
Arabic - Libya | ar | ar-ly | 4097 | 1001 | 1256 |
Arabic - Morocco | ar | ar-ma | 6145 | 1801 | 1256 |
Arabic - Oman | ar | ar-om | 8193 | 2001 | 1256 |
Arabic - Qatar | ar | ar-qa | 16385 | 4001 | 1256 |
Arabic - Saudi Arabia | ar | ar-sa | 1025 | 401 | 1256 |
Arabic - Syria | ar | ar-sy | 10241 | 2801 | 1256 |
Arabic - Tunisia | ar | ar-tn | 7169 | 1256 | |
Arabic - United Arab Emirates | ar | ar-ae | 14337 | 3801 | 1256 |
Arabic - Yemen | ar | ar-ye | 9217 | 2401 | 1256 |
Armenian | hy | hy | 1067 | ||
Assamese | as | as | 1101 | ||
Azeri - Cyrillic | az | az-az | 2092 | 1251 | |
Azeri - Latin | az | az-az | 1068 | 1254 | |
Basque | eu | eu | 1069 | 1252 | |
Belarusian | be | be | 1059 | 423 | 1251 |
Bengali - Bangladesh | bn | bn | 2117 | 845 | |
Bengali - India | bn | bn | 1093 | 445 | |
Bosnian | bs | bs | 5146 | ||
Bulgarian | bg | bg | 1026 | 402 | 1251 |
Burmese | my | my | 1109 | 455 | |
Catalan | ca | ca | 1027 | 403 | 1252 |
Chinese - China | zh | zh-cn | 2052 | 804 | |
Chinese - Hong Kong SAR | zh | zh-hk | 3076 | ||
Chinese - Macau SAR | zh | zh-mo | 5124 | 1404 | |
Chinese - Singapore | zh | zh-sg | 4100 | 1004 | |
Chinese - Taiwan | zh | zh-tw | 1028 | 404 | |
Croatian | hr | hr | 1050 | 1250 | |
Czech | cs | cs | 1029 | 405 | 1250 |
Danish | da | da | 1030 | 406 | 1252 |
Divehi | Dhivehi | Maldivian | dv | dv | |
Dutch - Belgium | nl | nl-be | 2067 | 813 | 1252 |
Dutch - Netherlands | nl | nl-nl | 1043 | 413 | 1252 |
Edo | 1126 | 466 | |||
English - Australia | en | en-au | 3081 | 1252 | |
English - Belize | en | en-bz | 10249 | 2809 | 1252 |
English - Canada | en | en-ca | 4105 | 1009 | 1252 |
English - Caribbean | en | en-cb | 9225 | 2409 | 1252 |
English - Great Britain | en | en-gb | 2057 | 809 | 1252 |
English - India | en | en-in | 16393 | 4009 | |
English - Ireland | en | en-ie | 6153 | 1809 | 1252 |
English - Jamaica | en | en-jm | 8201 | 2009 | 1252 |
English - New Zealand | en | en-nz | 5129 | 1409 | 1252 |
English - Philippines | en | en-ph | 13321 | 3409 | 1252 |
English - Southern Africa | en | en-za | 7177 | 1252 | |
English - Trinidad | en | en-tt | 11273 | 1252 | |
English - United States | en | en-us | 1033 | 409 | 1252 |
English - Zimbabwe | en | 12297 | 3009 | 1252 | |
Estonian | et | et | 1061 | 425 | 1257 |
FYRO Macedonia | mk | mk | 1071 | 1251 | |
Faroese | fo | fo | 1080 | 438 | 1252 |
Farsi - Persian | fa | fa | 1065 | 429 | 1256 |
Filipino | 1124 | 464 | |||
Finnish | fi | fi | 1035 | 1252 | |
French - Belgium | fr | fr-be | 2060 | 1252 | |
French - Cameroon | fr | 11276 | |||
French - Canada | fr | fr-ca | 3084 | 1252 | |
French - Congo | fr | 9228 | |||
French - Cote d'Ivoire | fr | 12300 | |||
French - France | fr | fr-fr | 1036 | 1252 | |
French - Luxembourg | fr | fr-lu | 5132 | 1252 | |
French - Mali | fr | 13324 | |||
French - Monaco | fr | 6156 | 1252 | ||
French - Morocco | fr | 14348 | |||
French - Senegal | fr | 10252 | |||
French - Switzerland | fr | fr-ch | 4108 | 1252 | |
French - West Indies | fr | 7180 | |||
Frisian - Netherlands | 1122 | 462 | |||
Gaelic - Ireland | gd | gd-ie | 2108 | ||
Gaelic - Scotland | gd | gd | 1084 | ||
Galician | gl | 1110 | 456 | 1252 | |
Georgian | ka | 1079 | 437 | ||
German - Austria | de | de-at | 3079 | 1252 | |
German - Germany | de | de-de | 1031 | 407 | 1252 |
German - Liechtenstein | de | de-li | 5127 | 1407 | 1252 |
German - Luxembourg | de | de-lu | 4103 | 1007 | 1252 |
German - Switzerland | de | de-ch | 2055 | 807 | 1252 |
Greek | el | el | 1032 | 408 | 1253 |
Guarani - Paraguay | gn | gn | 1140 | 474 | |
Gujarati | gu | gu | 1095 | 447 | |
HID (Human Interface Device) | 1279 | ||||
Hebrew | he | he | 1037 | 1255 | |
Hindi | hi | hi | 1081 | 439 | |
Hungarian | hu | hu | 1038 | 1250 | |
Icelandic | is | is | 1039 | 1252 | |
Igbo - Nigeria | 1136 | 470 | |||
Indonesian | id | id | 1057 | 421 | 1252 |
Italian - Italy | it | it-it | 1040 | 410 | 1252 |
Italian - Switzerland | it | it-ch | 2064 | 810 | 1252 |
Japanese | ja | ja | 1041 | 411 | |
Kannada | kn | kn | 1099 | ||
Kashmiri | ks | ks | 1120 | 460 | |
Kazakh | kk | kk | 1087 | 1251 | |
Khmer | km | km | 1107 | 453 | |
Konkani | 1111 | 457 | |||
Korean | ko | ko | 1042 | 412 | |
Kyrgyz - Cyrillic | 1088 | 440 | 1251 | ||
Lao | lo | lo | 1108 | 454 | |
Latin | la | la | 1142 | 476 | |
Latvian | lv | lv | 1062 | 426 | 1257 |
Lithuanian | lt | lt | 1063 | 427 | 1257 |
Malay - Brunei | ms | ms-bn | 2110 | 1252 | |
Malay - Malaysia | ms | ms-my | 1086 | 1252 | |
Malayalam | ml | ml | 1100 | ||
Maltese | mt | mt | 1082 | ||
Manipuri | 1112 | 458 | |||
Maori | mi | mi | 1153 | 481 | |
Marathi | mr | mr | 1102 | ||
Mongolian | mn | mn | 2128 | 850 | |
Mongolian | mn | mn | 1104 | 450 | 1251 |
Nepali | ne | ne | 1121 | 461 | |
Norwegian - Bokml | nb | no-no | 1044 | 414 | 1252 |
Norwegian - Nynorsk | nn | no-no | 2068 | 814 | 1252 |
Oriya | or | or | 1096 | 448 | |
Polish | pl | pl | 1045 | 415 | 1250 |
Portuguese - Brazil | pt | pt-br | 1046 | 416 | 1252 |
Portuguese - Portugal | pt | pt-pt | 2070 | 816 | 1252 |
Punjabi | pa | pa | 1094 | 446 | |
Raeto-Romance | rm | rm | 1047 | 417 | |
Romanian - Moldova | ro | ro-mo | 2072 | 818 | |
Romanian - Romania | ro | ro | 1048 | 418 | 1250 |
Russian | ru | ru | 1049 | 419 | 1251 |
Russian - Moldova | ru | ru-mo | 2073 | 819 | |
Sami Lappish | 1083 | ||||
Sanskrit | sa | sa | 1103 | ||
Serbian - Cyrillic | sr | sr-sp | 3098 | 1251 | |
Serbian - Latin | sr | sr-sp | 2074 | 1250 | |
Sesotho (Sutu) | 1072 | 430 | |||
Setsuana | tn | tn | 1074 | 432 | |
Sindhi | sd | sd | 1113 | 459 | |
Sinhala | Sinhalese | si | si | 1115 | |
Slovak | sk | sk | 1051 | 1250 | |
Slovenian | sl | sl | 1060 | 424 | 1250 |
Somali | so | so | 1143 | 477 | |
Sorbian | sb | sb | 1070 | ||
Spanish - Argentina | es | es-ar | 11274 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Bolivia | es | es-bo | 16394 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Chile | es | es-cl | 13322 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Colombia | es | es-co | 9226 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Costa Rica | es | es-cr | 5130 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Dominican Republic | es | es-do | 7178 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Ecuador | es | es-ec | 12298 | 1252 | |
Spanish - El Salvador | es | es-sv | 17418 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Guatemala | es | es-gt | 4106 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Honduras | es | es-hn | 18442 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Mexico | es | es-mx | 2058 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Nicaragua | es | es-ni | 19466 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Panama | es | es-pa | 6154 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Paraguay | es | es-py | 15370 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Peru | es | es-pe | 10250 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Puerto Rico | es | es-pr | 20490 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Spain (Traditional) | es | es-es | 1034 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Uruguay | es | es-uy | 14346 | 1252 | |
Spanish - Venezuela | es | es-ve | 8202 | 1252 | |
Swahili | sw | sw | 1089 | 441 | 1252 |
Swedish - Finland | sv | sv-fi | 2077 | 1252 | |
Swedish - Sweden | sv | sv-se | 1053 | 1252 | |
Syriac | 1114 | ||||
Tajik | tg | tg | 1064 | 428 | |
Tamil | ta | ta | 1097 | 449 | |
Tatar | tt | tt | 1092 | 444 | 1251 |
Telugu | te | te | 1098 | ||
Thai | th | th | 1054 | ||
Tibetan | bo | bo | 1105 | 451 | |
Tsonga | ts | ts | 1073 | 431 | |
Turkish | tr | tr | 1055 | 1254 | |
Turkmen | tk | tk | 1090 | 442 | |
Ukrainian | uk | uk | 1058 | 422 | 1251 |
Unicode | UTF-8 | 0 | |||
Urdu | ur | ur | 1056 | 420 | 1256 |
Uzbek - Cyrillic | uz | uz-uz | 2115 | 843 | 1251 |
Uzbek - Latin | uz | uz-uz | 1091 | 443 | 1254 |
Venda | 1075 | 433 | |||
Vietnamese | vi | vi | 1066 | 1258 | |
Welsh | cy | cy | 1106 | 452 | |
Xhosa | xh | xh | 1076 | 434 | |
Yiddish | yi | yi | 1085 | ||
Zulu | zu | zu | 1077 | 435 |
Having been on Microsoft Office 365 for a few months now, we started to notice that when users who had activated software on a PC were removed from Office 365, the software would go into 'grace period' and would continually notify the new user of the PC that there was a problem.
- Kubo and the Two Strings: Directed by Travis Knight. With Art Parkinson, Charlize Theron, Brenda Vaccaro, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. A young boy named Kubo must locate a magical suit of armour worn by his late father in order to defeat a vengeful spirit from the past.
- In addition to the fully localized languages listed here, Office 2016 provides Language Interface Packs (LIPs), which contain a subset of language-specific components and are designed to be installed together with a logical parent language.
- Re: Cannot install Sharepoint 2016 on Server 2016. So, the article still didn't work but a comment below the article pointed to the solution. This must be run on the server in Powershell: (You must remove Application-Server and AS-Web-Support (credit to chequers )) Add-WindowsFeature.
This table was generated from information at Microsoft Windows Encodings and Code Pages and additional resources listed below.
Definitions ^ Back to Page top ^
Locale: A collection of language-related, user-preference information represented as a list of values.
Locale ID (LCID): A 32-bit value defined by Microsoft Windows that consists of a language ID, sort ID, and reserved bits that identify a particular language.
Codepage: 'An ordered set of characters in which a numeric index (code point values) is associated with each character. The first 128 characters of each codepage are functionally the same and include all characters needed to type English text. The upper 128 characters of OEM and ANSI codepages contain characters used in a language or group of languages (Taken from Related resources below)'.
Related resources
This example shows how a C# program can add a picture to a Word document. It also shows how to use a bookmark to find the beginning of the Word document, make text flow around the picture, and align the picture on the page’s upper right.
See the example Create a Word document in C# for basic instructions on using the Word application to create a Word document in C#.
Missing Localized Strings Here Office 2016 Free
After creating the Word document and adding text to it as in the previous example, the program uses the following code to add and format the picture.
This code first defines a string containing the bookmark name “startofdocument.” This is a predefined bookmark that represents the start of the document. The code uses it to get a Range object representing that start. It then adds the picture to the Range object’s InlineShapes collection.
The code then gets a Shape object representing the InlineShape. It sets the object’s LockAspectRatio property to true so the picture will only resize uniformly. It then scales the picture to 50% of its original size.
Missing Localized Strings Here Office 2016 Torrent
The code makes the Shape wrap text around itself and finally sets the Shape object’s Left and Top values to make the picture appear in the upper right corner of the page.
Much of the work in this kind of Office automation is figuring out what objects in the Office object model do the things you want. For example, figuring out how to use Word’s InlineShape and Shape objects to create and format the picture. If you want to do a lot of this, my book Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers may help. The code is in Visual Basic and it’s a few years old but it should help you digure out how to manipulate the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook object models and those models haven’t changed too much since the book was written. |