This page is a part of the Custom Track Tutorial. Back to the main tutorial page.
Any way to play custom Mario Kart Wii tracks with a burned backup disc? Basically what it says in the tin. I don't have an original disc at my disposal right now, so I was a little disappointed to discover that (apparently) you can only play custom tracks if you have one of those or a modified ISO. Custom Tracks in Mario Kart Wii!, 09:03 PM. No Android, iOS, or AmigaOS.An ISO or WBFS of Mario Kart Wii and 2-5 GB of free Hard Disk Space.
'Top 40 Custom Tracks' was a mini-series on the TWD98 Youtube Channel where Troy and his friend, Colton, commentate over their 40 favorite custom tracks from the CTGP-R v1.02 custom track distribution as of February 2012. The showcase was broken into four parts, with the first video being released on February 3rd and the last being released on February 10th. Sparkly Road 39. MARIO KART WII CTGP REVOLUTION V1.03 ISO DOWNLOAD. Trent Rez, Jefe. Last change It is just where the system menu shows the currently inserted disc. The countdown timer on the Wi-Fi voting screen is always shown now, rather than just when you're about to run out of time.
Obtaining the tracks files is done in 2 steps:
- Create a private copy of your original Mario Kart Wii DVD.
- Extract the tracks with a PC tool using the private image copy.
Image Copy
There are 2 general ways to create a private copy of the original Mario Kart Wii DVD:
- Use any homebrew application (e.g. WiiXplorer, CleanRip, or any modern USB loader), which is capable of ripping original Wii games directly on your Wii. This is the fastest and recommended way.
- Rip it with an LG drive and Raw dump 2.0 on your computer, working drives are LG-GDR8161, 8162, 8163 and 8164
Any other way to obtain a Mario Kart Wii ISO is illegal!
Extracting Tracks
The original track files must be extracted from a Mario Kart Wii disk image (ISO). There are several tools that can do this:
Mario Kart Wii Custom Tracks Iso Pc
- Dolphin (Windows)
- The Windows tool allows interactivity to extract or modify files within a raw ISO image.
- Wiimms ISO Tools (Linux, Mac and Windows)
- The tools can list, extract, modify, compose and manipulate ISO images in different file formats (iso, ciso, wbfs, wdf, wia, fst). The tool wfuse (available for Linux and Mac) can mount images and complete WBFS-Partitions to allow browsing with any file browser.
- WiiScrubber (Windows)
- It's a Windows tool that allows interactivity to extract or modify files within a raw ISO image.
- WiiXplorer (Wii)
- It's a homebrew tool that allows for disk browsing and copying individual files/directories.
Main Tutorials
Introduction – Textures –Scale –Modeling ⇒ Using Blender–BRRES: CTools
BRRES: BrawlBox –Minimap –Solidity –KCL: Wiimms Tools –KMP Editing
Object Editing –Cameras –Cannons –Post-effects –Videos
Battle Arenas
Battle Arenas –Enemy routes in battle arenas ⇒ Using Wiimm's Tools –Coins
Misc. Tutorials
Getting Files –BrawlBox Tricks –Animations –Shadows –Mipmaps
Moving Terrain –Music –Ports –Paint Remakes –Tutorial Archive
Extended presence flags: Track Tutorial –LE-CODE Track FAQ
Testing and Reviewing
Testing a Track –Visual Review –Track Transformation –Fixing Errors
3D Tools –BrawlBox –CTools Pack –KMP3D –KMP Cloud –KMP Modifier
Lorenzi's KMP Editor –MagicY –Material Tool –Post-Effect Editor –Wiimms SZS Tools –Wiimm's Tool Manager
KMP Objects –Custom Objects –Model Database –Tutorial Archive